Hello! My name is Walter Barreiro. I am from Uruguay. I live in Las Piedras. I was born in Las Piedras on January 29, 1997. I am sixteen years old. I am a student at the #3 high school. I am studying fifth scientist. I am sixteen years old. I like play computer, play football and study english. I live with my mother, father, three sisters, a brother, three dogs and two cats. I am short and slim. I have short brown hair and almond brown eyes. My favorite movies are The butterfly effect, The avengers and Thor. My favorite series are The Walking dead, Supernatural, Lost and Touch.

First i get up at seven o'clock. I go to gym at half past seven and arrive to home at half past nine. Later, i take a shower and i have breakfast. After that, i do my homework for school. Later, at midday I have lunch and at one o'clock I carry my brothers to school. At six o'clock I go to high school. Class start at quarter past six and finish at ten past ten. When i arrive home I watch TV and i have dinner. Finaly, i take a shower and i go to bed.